Webster’s Dictionary: “crusty, ill-tempered and usually old man”
Alternative definition: “an old baby boomer”
Do we all fit the definition? Probably not. Do most of us? Probably.
But what’s wrong with that I ask. A corollary trait for a curmudgeon includes “no tolerance for fools”, and we need a lot more people with that trait today. No longer can we idly sit on our hands while these fools ruin the world for everyone. We need to have zero tolerance for a long list of fools:
- the Fake-President
- red light runners
- NRA members and supporters
- anyone on Fox News
- anyone who believes everything they hear on television
- Republicans in the congress
- grocery store executives who approved self-checkout kiosks
- people who deny global warming
- the guy driving 40 mph in the left lane on I-95
- the teacher who has favorites in class
- people who don’t vaccinate their kids
- Right to Lifers
- anyone who believes everything they read online
- the person who pays a $45 toll to go 5 miles during rush hour
- the gun seller
- the gun buyer
- the young worker who thinks Social Security will even be there in 20 years
- the Fake-President
- drivers who block-the-box
- a neighbor with a barking dog
- Democrats in Congress
- shopping cart racers at the Safeway Grocery Store
- people hooked on Starbucks
- viewers of the Kardashians
- anyone who believes everything they read in the newspaper
- people who trust more in luck than hard work
- people who believe that the world owes them a living, happiness, salvation
- anyone who serves in a state legislature or lives in a governor’s mansion
- fear mongers
- politicians in general (VERY FEW exceptions)
- the Fake-President (can’t be said too many times)
- Creationists
- KKK members
- abusive parents
- abusive spouses
- America Firsters
- ambulance chasing lawyers
- pompous teachers
- conservative Supreme Court Justices
- holocaust deniers
I could go on and on, but I don’t want to hog the list in a crusty, ill-tempered, manner.
Go ahead – add your fools to the list.